Tips for transitioning from hybrid to in-person learning

Many of us have concerns for our children regarding the return to school after almost a year of either full remote or hybrid learning. Covid has affected all of us in many ways and preparing for in-person learning is yet another situation we need to overcome. It is important to remember children are resilient but we still need to prepare them for the challenges that come with this change. Here are some tips to help parents and children get back to school as safely and smoothly as possible.

  1. Establish bedtime and meal routines

    For many of us, our normal routines have been non existent for the past year. Children need time to adjust back to their previous schedule. Setting a consistent bedtime will prevent children from becoming overtired or overwhelmed with school and after school activities.

  2. Make sure your child has adequate time to accomplish tasks

    It is important your child is given enough time to get ready, eat breakfast and prepare for the day. Rushing can increase anxiety in already stressful situations.

  3. Designate a time and space for your child to do homework

    Consistency is very important when trying to establish good habits.

  4. Stay Informed

    Communication with your child’s teacher is essential in understanding the balance between your child’s school and home life. Stay up to date with the school’s and district’s websites, these tend to be updated frequently and often contain pertinent information regarding your school and community.

  5. Discuss new safety protocals

    Transitioning from hybrid to in-person learning will inevitably require more safety procedures that you will want to discuss with your child prior to them attending classes.